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Light Particles Logo & TItles - For After Effects
Light Particles Logo & Titles converts your logo or titles into a fun particles animation. Make a colorful logo animation with a clean modern look!

Gold Mockup Kit - Glossy Logo & Titles
Gold Glossy Logo & Titles Kit converts your titles and logos into elegant real 3D mockups. Including gold, silver and more, no plugins required!

Real Muzzle Flash Kit for After Effects
Real Muzzle Flash Kit is a package of over 230 bullet & action elements. Every asset is highly realistic & based on real world studies.

Animal Animation Explainer Toolkit for After Effects
Design animal characters, pick animations & create explainer videos right inside After Effects.
Thousands of features, refined over more than a year of research. Animal Character design & animation will never be the same.

Ultimate App Promo Presentation Toolkit - After Effects
The Ultimate App Promo Toolkit is a complete app promo kit for both android and ios devices! Making your new app stand out. Choose the Ultimate App Promo toolkit and create your unique app promo presentation!

Neon Logo | Titles for Adobe After Effects
Neon Logo & Titles Reveal will add fun light animation to your logo or titles. Make a colorful logo animation with a clean modern look!
Easily create your own cinematic neon light logo & title animation right inside After Effects.

Character Animation Explainer Toolkit for After Effects
Design characters, pick animations & create explainer videos right inside After Effects.
Create unique characters using the most advanced character creation package on the market. Easily build characters from a single intuative panel using simple controls like sliders & checkboxes.

Particle Motion - Photo Animation After Effects
Particle Motion creates particle animations directly in your photos. Create smoke, dust, sand, glitters, sparks and more!
Using trapcode particular plugin, particle motion is a professional particles toolkit with 14 categories of unique particle animation presets. Introducing life in your photos and videos.

Wedding Toolkit - Video & Print Package | Titles Motion
Wedding Toolkit is the most flexible motion wedding package available. Easily create animated floral and minimal wedding titles and designs in seconds.

Electric Storm Light Logo
Electric Storm Light Logo is a thunder lightning logo reveal for your brand. Add your own logo and music and your ready to go!